Istituto Grafologico Internazionale “G. Moretti” has been operating in Urbino since 1970 and represents the evolution of the Fra Girolamo Graphological Studio founded in 1959 in Ancona.
The Institute activities, aimed at the scientific and social promotion of graphological disciplines and their use for the training of the human being (at a personal, family, school, professional level, etc.) and for the effectiveness of justice (judicial evaluation).

Contact: Mr. Massimiliano Cataldi
Address: Scale San Francesco 8 – 60121 Ancona (IT)
Phone: (+39) 0722 2639


Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore “G. Bruno” is a secondary school based in the municipalities of Budrio, Medicina and Molinella, in Bologna’s metropolitan area.
The school hosts over 1250 students, 136 teachers and 31 units of non-teaching staff and includes seven fields of study such as Scientific, Human Sciences, Industrial Technical, Commercial Professional and Industry and crafts.

Contact: Mrs. Guglielmina Uliano
Address: Viale I Maggio 5 – 40054 Budrio (IT)
Phone: (+39) 051 6923910


Founded in 1860, the Faculty of Philosophy is an institution which is essential to the modern Romanian education and culture, being one of the founding faculties of the University of Bucharest.
Currently, alongside the programmes available for philosophy, the faculty also offers study programmes in other related domains, such as European studies and international relationships, community law, public politics, cultural management, the management of knowledge and others which are led by professors with plenty of experience.
The structure of the Faculty of Philosophy is based on two departments: the Department of Theoretical Philosophy and the Department of Practical Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, which also includes the UNESCO Department for Intercultural and Inter-religious Exchange.
The Faculty of Philosophy has interests which are deeply rooted in the development of the philosophical research in the newest directions currently present on the international level and comprises renowned research centres: the Centre for the Study of Rationality and Faith, the Centre for Research in Logics, Philosophy and the History of Science, the Centre for Research of the History of Philosophical Ideas, the Centre for Phenomenological Research, the Centre for Research in the Field of Applied Ethics, the Centre of Research for Intergenerational Justice, Social Responsibility and Sustainability.

Contact: Mr. Marian Preda
Address: Soseaua Panduri 90 – Bucuresti (RO)
Phone: (+40) 213059730


European Academy is a Romanian VET training organisation deeply involved in educational and research activities financed by the European Social Fund and international cooperation projects, dedicated to learners, teachers, trainers, minorities, persons with special needs and other disadvantaged target groups. The scope of work is to increase capacity of local actors to address employment policies, to access to labor market for unemployed, marginalized and underprivileged groups and to provide services, training courses and life learning programs that support and promote social inclusion. Since its beginning, European Academy has gained valuable and second-to-none experience both in planning and delivering seminars and workshops, as well as in designing and implementing EU projects.

Contact: Mr. Andrea Menna
Address: Bld. Luptatorilor 50 – Bucuresti (RO)
Phone: (+40) 746776319


Inspectoratul Școlar Județean di Alba Iulia is a branch office of the Romanian Ministry of Education. The ISJ of Alba Iulia monitors compliance with the general rules on education and essential levels of performance, the implementation of school regulations, the levels of effectiveness of the training action and compliance with programmed standards. Furthermore, the ISJ Alba takes care of the execution, within the territorial area of ​​its own competence, of national policies for students.

Contact: Mr. Sandu Cornel Stelian
Address: Gabriel Bethlen 7 – Alba Iulia (RO)
Phone: (+40) 258817255


The University of Wrocław, is one of the most prestigious university in Poland and the most important in Lower Silesia. It was founded in 1702 by Emperor Leopold I Habsburg. It was named the Leopoldina in his honour. The first academic year began on 15 November, on the Emperor’s nameday. The University then consisted of two faculties: of Catholic theology and of philosophy.
In 1776 the University became a state higher school. In 1811 it was merged with the Evangelical Viadrina University of Frankfurt (Oder) and the number of faculties grew to five and included: Catholic theology, Protestant theology, law, medicine, and philosophy.
In 1945 a group of scientists, mainly from Lviv, arrived to Wrocław. From the ruins of the German university they created the foundations of a Polish academic school, from which later emerged the University of Wrocław, the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, the University of Environmental and Life Sciences, and the Medical University.

Contact: Mr. Rafał Cieśla
Address: Pl Uniwersytecki 1– Wroclaw (PL)
Phone: (+48) 713752402


BB Training is a VET training provider founded in december 2019, accredited by Marche Region. It has been working through the main funds, interprofessional, ministerial and European Social Funds.
BB Training offers technical support to respond to the demand for funds for education by primary and secondary schools.
BBT is made up of professionals with skills in education and professional training, administration and accounting and Information Technology (IT).

Contact: Mrs. Barbara Baleani
Address: Via Pesaro n.34/B – Ancona (IT)
Phone: (+39) 3335617233